Thursday, February 12, 2015

Going "Diner"

Going Diner

We have debated what kind of look that we want to go for as we go forward with our renovation.

To me, since I grew up in the seventies, the time wasn't so bad, but the avocado green and gold I can live without.

I have always been pretty conservative with wall colors and tend toward natural fiber colors (whited, off-whites) for most of my color schemes. I live in New England, so I love that eclectic 1700-1800's farm furniture look.

The first real decision is the kitchen, which is just crying out for that fifties diner look to me.

We found a lot of little treasures that where left out in the workshop by one of the previous owners that helped to steer us in this direction; that and this sweet little red cast iron napkin holder with a rooster on it. This decided what color that I wanted to paint the backs plash in the kitchen. A very bold move  for me.

This decided what my black splash color would be.

Got this guy for a dollar at a thrift shop.
In the top picture, both the Meteor Coffee and the Sunny Day Bleach sign were hanging on the wall of the workshop. The Kitchen Prayer below, I unpacked from one of the many boxes that had been left behind when we purchased the place.

Kitchen Prayer

The Jello ad a friend passed on to me years ago when he sold his house that had fifties decor.
Polly put the kettle on..... you can see, I had no choice!  :-)

Thank you for visiting our Vintage Villa.


Friday, February 6, 2015

No More Snow!

Enough already.

I guess that I am getting old and grumpy, but when the snow is up to my waist (and I'm not short) I am about done.

I have been reading a lot of different blogs, trying to get ideas, to see what is appealing to people and I admit: I can get lost in it all and never get my own writing done. But go to worlds that are warm. :-) Bit by bit, I am adding links to blogs that I think others will enjoy.

One of the most inspiring to me at this time is Mobile Home Living. Crystal had done a phenomenal job in gathering information and resources for those that choose the Mobile/Manufactured Home lifestyle. I hope to develop my own blog into something as inspirational.

We are having a hard winter here in Maine, so getting much work done on our place has been a bit
frustrating, but......planning has been a lot of fun. We have changed our minds about a few things since being snowed in. So that is good! I will leave you with a couple of pictures of the fluffy stuff.
To those of you wiggling their toes in the sand or digging in their gardens well.....sigh.


Toni and Will

My 1971 Airstream Caravel. Read about her at My Little Land Yacht.