Thursday, February 12, 2015

Going "Diner"

Going Diner

We have debated what kind of look that we want to go for as we go forward with our renovation.

To me, since I grew up in the seventies, the time wasn't so bad, but the avocado green and gold I can live without.

I have always been pretty conservative with wall colors and tend toward natural fiber colors (whited, off-whites) for most of my color schemes. I live in New England, so I love that eclectic 1700-1800's farm furniture look.

The first real decision is the kitchen, which is just crying out for that fifties diner look to me.

We found a lot of little treasures that where left out in the workshop by one of the previous owners that helped to steer us in this direction; that and this sweet little red cast iron napkin holder with a rooster on it. This decided what color that I wanted to paint the backs plash in the kitchen. A very bold move  for me.

This decided what my black splash color would be.

Got this guy for a dollar at a thrift shop.
In the top picture, both the Meteor Coffee and the Sunny Day Bleach sign were hanging on the wall of the workshop. The Kitchen Prayer below, I unpacked from one of the many boxes that had been left behind when we purchased the place.

Kitchen Prayer

The Jello ad a friend passed on to me years ago when he sold his house that had fifties decor.
Polly put the kettle on..... you can see, I had no choice!  :-)

Thank you for visiting our Vintage Villa.


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